
Draftable Students May Receive Credit

Full approval of a recent proposal that men subject to the draft in January be given hour exams before Christmas vacation was voted last night by the Student Council. This plan is up for consideration by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.

Under this plan hour exams would be offered soon in all courses and would be taken by any student who feared that he might be drafted before finishing his midyear examinations; hence he could obtain credit for work done his semester. On the basis of this exam and his cumulative grades, the student will receive a mark for a half year's work in his courses.

Only if Draft Imminent

Credit under such a plan can only be claimed if the draft is imminent or if the student wishes to enlist a week or so before his induction in order to select his favorite arm of the service.

Since this is more or less or an emergency proposal to meet situations created by the new draft law, credit will not be given to anyone volunteering unless he can show evidence that the time of his induction is close.


Original proposals of this plan were first made public yesterday through the Dean's Office. Although consideration will be taken by the Faculty today, there was no definite assurance of action since there are still many administrative proposals to be worked out.
