Winter sports in the House athletic leagues began this week with the first practices in basketball in the Indoor Athletic Building gym. Most of the fives began playing yesterday, although Adams and Dunster held an informal game Monday which ended up with a 12-10 victory for the Funsters after an overtime period.
Regular games for the hoopsters begin next week and will run throughout the winter. Meanwhile the hockey and squash tournaments are being organized, with intra-House tournaments to decide the teams in squash. There will be four groups from each playing in the competition for House racquet champs.
The skaters will begin practice Monday at the Boston Skating Club Rink, where they will play their evening games. The swimming meet will be held December 10 with all the House teams competing at the same time. This will probably be the only regular event in the sport, at least during the early part of the season, although informal meets may be organized by the individual Houses.
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