
WSC Inaugurates Xmas Bond Drive

Blood Drive Nets Average Of Thirty Donors Per Week

The War Service Committee announced last results of one campaign and the inauguration of another, as it disclosed the results of this fall's blood drive and opened a two-day effort to sell Bond and Stamps for Christmas.

Bond sales have risen recently, John Ellison, head chairman of the committee, announced last night, refusing to comment as to whether or not the increase was due to the incentive of the pictures contributed by Milton O. Caniff. In all the Houses during the next few days, furthermore, attempts will be made to raise this total still further by encouraging students to give bonds for Christmas presents.

As they stand at present, the totals for blood donations indicated that 376 students have at least made appointments to contribute to the Boston Blood Donor Center, an average of about 30 per week since the campaign was organized.
