Sometime late Saturday night, when things were going pretty well at the Eliot House formal, some Elephant big-wig made fervent promises to a similarly important 'Cliffette. The promises got across, and caught up with the culprit finally yesterday, in the form of a big, bold truck.
The truck swung into the circle in front of the House, and its driver politely asked for "the tree." What tree? "The Christmas tree I'm supposed to take to Agassiz Hall." That was the promise. "Oh, sure, we got a tree, see it all nice out there in the lighted dining hall? An' sure darling, oh, of course we'll give it to you." So the truck driver wanted the tree.
A search of Eliot didn't reveal the promiser, although suspicion pointed to several people of the sort that have the destiny of trees at their command. No one even knew who had sent for it, but it must have ben a potent promise. You have to be pretty sure of yourself to hire a truck.
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