Following the wishes of the 400 students who will graduate in February, as reflected in the Crimson poll conducted over the weekend, the Class Day Committee announced last night that President Conant's baccalaureate address would tentatively be delivered on Sunday, January 10, and that simplified Class Day exercises would be held on the preceding Saturday.
A substantial majority of the Seniors favored the earlier weekend over its nearest contender, the 24th, and definite confirmation of the date chosen awaits only approval by President Conant. The time of the ceremony and further details will be announced later.
Simple Ceremony Saturday
The simple exercises on Saturday afternoon, which won the support of four-fifths of the voters, will consist of the annual Ivy Oration, the Class Poem, the Class Ode, and a more serious speech by the Class Orator. The Glee Club and Band will also participate in the program.
If present plans crystallize, furthermore, a simple formal dance will be held, probably in Lowell House, on Saturday evening. A Senior supper was also mentioned as a possibility by the Committee.
The Committee emphasized, however, that the plans could not be released as definite until they had been discussed with William G. Morse '99, purchasing agent for the College.
Sullivan is Orator
It has been definitely announced that John W. Sullivan '43, will deliver the Class Oration, and that Eric Larrabee will be the Odist. George Clay '43, will serve as Chorister, and Robert G. Axtell has been elected Treasurer. George Goethals, who was elected Poet in the elections last May, has left College.
Distributed throughout the House dining halls over the weekend, the CRIMSON poll at first indicated that the Class was nearly equally divided on the question of which day was the most convenient.
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