

Network Broadcasts Results Of First Inquiry Tonight

In an effort to clear the College atmosphere of subversive gossip, the Crimson Network tonight will broadcast the first results of a series of investigations being conducted by the Harvard Rumor Clinic.

Sponsored by the War Service Committee, the new rumor sleuths will go on the air at 9:45 o'clock this evening when their in-the-know authority is to be Filmore B. Sanford, instructor in Psychology.

Taking two of the most pressing questions among students at the present time, Sanford will try to expose the real facts on the vacation travel situation and to discuss the probable time at which the various reserves will be called to active duty.

Sanford, who has taken an active interest in the Rumor Clinic organized by the Massachusetts Committee on Public Safety, will discuss the role of rumor as a builder and destroyer of morale.

The War Service Committee in an attempt to strike at the very core of the fifth column chatter invites all students to send in rumors to the Network which they would like dissected on the weekly broadcasts.
