
Pile Up the Scrap

The recently opened scrap drive gives every man a chance to do his share toward building arms and equipment for our fighting men. To keep an army of seven million men outfitted and supplied requires an all-out effort on the part of everyone, students not excepted. For those men not now in the armed forces, the contribution of a few ounces of scrap is the least they can do.

Every room in the University is a veritable storehouse of desperately needed rubber and scrap metal. That old tin wastebasket and the miniature rubber tire surrounding the ash-tray could certainly be put to better use in a jeep or Flying Fortress. Cloth scrap, especially silk, is also needed, and those old frayed shirts and ties will help. Since representatives have been appointed in every entry to take care of the donations, no great pains have to be taken to get rid of your scrap. If every student contributes just one pound of scrap, the country will be enriched by several tons of vital materials.
