
Over the Wire

Japs Crowd Henderson Field

WASHINGTON--More Japanese troops have landed on the eastern side of Henderson Airfield on Guadalcanal and are being attacked by United States Marines, the Navy reported late today in a communique hinting that fighting is picking up momentum.

The Marines suffered an initial repulse but ralled quickly and seized and advantage.

Meanwhile, Marines and Army troops, supported by warships and bombers, continued "successful attacks" against enemy positions to the west, where they annihilated 350 Japs and captured 30 more machine guns, 12 light artillery guns and three fields places.

The communique thus revealed the American forces are fighting a "two-front" war--to the east and to the west of prized Henderson Airdrome.

Fresh Jap troops landed to the east under cover of darkness Tuesday, joining enemy forces which landed there Monday night.
