

To Assume Administrative Post on December Fifteenth

Richard A. Waite, Jr. has been appointed Graduate Secretary of Phillips Brooks House, it was announced on Friday by Willard L. Sperry, dean of the Divinity School and Chairman of the Brooks House Committee. Waite is succeeding Raymond Dennett '36, whose retirement was announced last week.

At the present time, Waite is a candidate here for a Ph.D. degree in English History, and in addition is associated with the Chandler School in Boston. He has attended Amherst, Northwestern, and the University of Chicago, receiving a degree there in 1935.

Worked on Personnel

Since that time he has held a variety of jobs in education and industry, being at one time assistant superintendent of personnel in an important corporation, and in 1936 field director of the Massachusetts Republican Finance Committee.

Scheduled to take over his new position from Dennett on December 15. Waite will be in general charge of all Brooks House activities. In addition to supervision of the financial end of the undergraduate committees, he will be instrumental in the further adoption of the facilities and personnel of P. B. H. to the needs of the military services in the University.


Dennett is leaving his post to assume a full-time job with the Boston Community Fund. He has been at Brooks House for six years, and in addition to his work there has served as an instructor in Government and Freshman Adviser.
