
Varsity Hoopsters Beat Coast Guard as Jayvee Five Loses

Stahl's Squad Loses Opening Game 39-30

In spite of a first-class showing in the season's opening game. Floyd Stahl's Jayvee basketball team lost to Boston's Coast Guard Reserves, 39 to 30. The game, which prefaced the Varsity event, was hotly contested from beginning to end. Best-performers and high-scorers on the team were Warren, Mayer, and Facett, adding eight, seven, and six points respectively to the total score.

This game is expected by Stahl to preview the kind of competition the squad will be facing all season. It is well known that these service teams have a number of seasoned men, especially if they can be judged by the Coast Guard forwards, Siegal and Strezlecki, who scored 11 and seven points for their Boston team.
