

Wartime First Aid Course Will Begin Next Thursday

For the special benefit of "it can't happen here" addicts Donald R. McAfee, who saw it happen in France, will give an address tonight at the meeting of the University ARP course in the New Lecture Hall at 7:30 o'clock on "'Sabotage and Fifth Column Activity."

Part of Clarence Walton's all-inclusive warden training, this lecture will be given for the members of the class, but will be open to all who are interested.

Fought for France

McAfee, who began his military career as a lieutenant in the first World War, entered the French Army in 1939 as soon as war was declared and was given a special commission in the Foreign Legion by Premier Daladier. He fought with the Colonial infantry untill it was disbanded after the armistice.

He spent the following winter in Brittany, then under German control, and saw how the Nazis fought and conquered the French farmers. He learned a set of answers to the big questions that are still being asked about the defeat.


In his talk tonight he will answer those questions, and any others that the audience wants him to, including his inside story of Belgtan mass evacuation, and the rout of Sedan.

On Thursday the second half of the course will begin, wartime first aid training. This part of the course will be handled by Walton, and several instructors from the Cambridge Red Corss it will be open to the 181 students who signed up for first aid at registration. These men will receive a Red Cross Certificate if they complete twenty hours of work.

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