Three dormitories at Dartmouth will be closed after the end of the semester, it was revealed in Hanover last night. This action is the result of a considerable curtailment in the enrollment of the college which may prove only temporary.
Graduating at the end of this semester will be 387 Seniors, and since there will be no new Freshmen entering at that time, college authorities have been forced to close down the dormitories, Those effected by the order are Fayerweather, Richardson, and South Fayerweather.
Navy Will Enter
These dormitories will not remain empty long, however, as the Navy will fill out the vacancies. The Indoctrination and Communications Schools at Dartmouth, somewhat akin to the Naval Training School at Harvard, is expected to receive a new contingent of student officers.
These incoming naval men will be quartered in the dormitories which will be evacuated by the Dartmouth Seniors graduating this winter. Dartmouth is one of the first of the Ivy League colleges to face the problem of a sufficiently diminished enrollment to cause closing down of part of its living quarters.
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