
College Asks War Records

80,000 Alumni will Get Questionnaires

Ten thousand war service questionnaires, first of a group of 80,000 which ultimately will be sent to all Harvard alumni, will be mailed Tuesday by the Harvard Publications' Office, according to the Alumni Bulletin. Taking over the work begun last spring by the Alumni Bulletin, the Publications Office is sending the questionnaires in order to obtain the names of all Harvard alumni serving in the war.

Estimating that 24,000 out of Harvard's 80,000 alumni are elready engaged in the present war effort, David W. Bailey '21, Publication Agent, expects that figure to reach 35,000 if the war continues another year. The last Alumni Bulletin lists over 100 new names of Harvard alumni in the armed services, bringing the total to 3,764.

Thorough Questionnaires

The questionnaires request, among other things, permanent address, peace-time occupation, branch of military service, civilian war service or war industry, details of foreign duty as far as censorship regulations permit, promotions and citations, and the name and address of the nearest relatives. Relatives are requested to fill out the form if the addressee is on foreign duty.

Questionnaires are being mailed in installments of 10,000 a week, with a hiatus covering the weeks of the Christmas holidays, until all 80,000 have been sent.


In a letter accompanying the questionnaire, President Conant predicts "that the record will be of the greatest interest to the Harvard community, as well as constituting a background of historical material which will be a source of pride to the future Harvard generations." In the first World War 12,000 out of 40,000 Harvard alumni participated.
