

At the U.T.

If you have Lana Turner and Clarke Gable in the same picture, with a big battle on the Bataan peninsula to go with it, and Turner and Gable clinch more often in two hours than two stumblebum pugs in a six-round fight, MGM thinks you have something. And so does the audience at the U.T.

"Somewhere I'll Find You" is the tale of war correspondent Johnny Davis, his kid brother, and their little blonde companion, also a newspaper worker, who takes turns in engaging herself with the Davis boys in all sort of friendly positions. The scene moves from New York to Hanoi with the greatest of ease, Gable busses Turner in every reel, the Filipinos and Yanks hold off Mr. Moto in an epic struggle, and everybody is happy.

Little inconsistencies such as Gable's being a reporter who is never shown writing a story--he does dictate one at the end, which sounds more like an oration than a battlefront dispatch--go by the boards, and nobody much cares. It's really a better-than-average plot, and the mustached hero is his usual charming self. Miss Turner's bodily presence in an assortment of gay dresses and one bath towel is enough to bring the spectators in droves. She isn't too bad an actress, either. Robert Sterling, as the kid brother, is fair enough. The film is never boring, and its value to you is strictly a matter of taste. For them as likes a good neck. "Somewhere I'll Find You" is nice fodder.

The other job on the program, "Through Different Eyes," is another of the series of flashback-crime affairs, ably narrated by that ace yarn spicler, Frank Craven. It's not too tough to pick the murderer and everybody has a whale of a time making him confess. Craven's presence assures at least one good acting performance, and his supporting cast flounders along without mishap.
