

To the Editors of the Crimson:

It is difficult but I wish you would give space to this effort of mine. Thursday's leading article on the draft gives the impression, to the casual reader, that I made definitely certain statements that I actually made tentatively. The article is in the main all right, but the head-lining is regrettable. People are puzzled enough now without throwing big scareheads at them, especially scareheads that give my guesses an importance they by no means merit.

I do not see that yesterday's release alters the situation at all. We have long known that the eighteen year draft would go through, and that when it did, there would be a strong possibility that some men in college would be taken before finishing this term. We have known that the E.R.C. might except to be taken at the end of the term, and that expectation remains in force. Nothing has come through from Washington to indicate that the E.R.C. either will be called before midyears or left in college after that. I feel quite sure that E.R.C. men will finish their midyears, but I certainly can't guarantee it. Nor can I guarantee that men not in the E.R.C. will be taken before midyears; but General Hershey's bulletin does make that possible, for some men at least. Elliott Perkins.
