Two of Harvard's most explosive lecturers, Pitirim A. Sorokin and Gaetano Salvemini, will meet tonight on the Post-War Council platform to discuss a "Realistic Basis for a Durable Peace." The debate will begin at eight o'clock in the Lowell House Junior Common Room.
Sorokin, a professor of Sociology, and Salvemini, Lauro de Bois Lecturer on the History of Italian Civilization, will strike sparks when they begin to warm up to their subject, accordiny to Melvin Richter '43, director of the Post-War Council's regular weekly debates.
Realism Central Point
Divergence between the two opinions will probably center around the definition of the word "realistic," said a Council official last night. "Sorokin has very definite ideas of realism in post-war organization," the same official added, "and they do not coincide with those of Salvemini."
Witty, explosive Salvemini will more than be equal to the task of keeping up with Sorokin's dynamic arguments, according to Richter. For years the leader of all liberal thought in Italy, Salvemini is known, according to the director, as a lecturer "who never pulls his punches on the platform."
The Harvard Council on Post-War Problems is sponsoring this series of debates in order to stimulate thought on problems that will arise out of this war. To further this aim weekly lectures have been arranged for members, and this one, according to Richter, should be one of the more exciting.
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