
Winthrop House Tops Service Fund Quota

Leverett, Adams are Second And Third as Dunster Lags

Winthrop House is the first House to top its quota for the Harvard Service Fund Drive, Thayer Drake '44, chairman of the drive for Winthrop revealed last night. A total of $1300 has been collected there, including money paid at registration.

Leverett and Adams are in second and third places respectively, but other Houses still lag far behind. Two large groups, Dunster House and the Commuters' Center at Dudley, have not as yet reported.

Drive 60 Percent Paid

In the whole College the drive has passed the halfway mark, and is now 60 percent complete with its goal of $13,000 in sight. Since this 60 percent does not represent the total results from all parts of the college, these figures may improve as soon as Dunster, Dudley, and others have finished their canvassing.

"Unless the undergraduates are prepared to meet their obligations to the Harvard Service Fund now," John Richardson, Jr. '43, treasurer of the Drive, warned last night" other charity drives will have to be held through the year."


The Drive will continue until the goal is met, since every indication now points towards its successful completion.
