
Radcliffe Sulks as Network Brings Waban Chirpers Here

A moaning female voice singing of the woes of Waban women will waft itself over the Crimson Network tomorrow night as the College station imports the entire cast of the Wellesley Junior Show to the Leverett Junior Common Room for a broadcast at 10 o'clock.

Gloria Roehl's steamy "Wellesley Blues" will head the show with several other soles included as well as a number of chorus numbers (musical). Philanthropic Network officials claim to have originated the broadcast for the benefit of men who were unable to get out to its natural habitat.

In all about 20 of the darlings will hit Cambridge in an effort to get the last drop of available Harvard audience. Radcliffe Networkettes are sulking but the only thing that worries President Richard Kleeman '43 is that the Wellesley cast can't have dinner here before the show. Not enough men volunteered to be hosts.
