Dropping full responsibility for any future trouble arising out of the closing of Boylston Library squarely into the laps of the tutors, Keyes D. Metcalf, director of Harvard College Library, announced yesterday that he is prepared to move the tutorial collection from the basement of Boylston to the open shelves in Widener.
"We are perfectly willing to bring any or all of the 3500 books from Boylston if only the tutors will tell us which ones they 'want," Metcalf said. "Much of the present delay and confusion has resulted from failure of tutors to notify us in advance of the needs of their tutees."
Boylston Stays Shut
Boylston has not been opened and will not be until sufficient need for it can be shown, he said. This evidence must come from students and instructors who are having trouble getting books.
To further help Freshmen, Metcalf also announced that the organization in Widener will be made as like Boylston as possible. Bulletin boards and reading lists will be posted, and duplicates of books needed brought over.
"It is too bad Freshmen have to climb 75 steps to the Reading Room" said Metcalf, "but with a shortage of library assistants students can best be served in Widener. Even during the pre-hour exam rush there were always at least 100 vacant seats in the Reading Room. We can accommodate all students much more efficiently in Widener.
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