
Rally Sends Team To Last Tilt Here

Tack Hardwick to Address Gathering at Varsity Club

Braving possible floods and blizzards, students tonight will turn out for the pre-game rally of the year when they parade through Cambridge streets spurring the football team on to trap the Brown Bears tomorrow.

The victory rally which will get under way at 7:30 o'clock, will later gather outside the Varsity Club where the undergraduates will hear Tack Hardwick '16, former All-American tackle and one of Harvard's all-time greats.

Representing last year's football teams, Loren MacKinney, end on the '41 eleven, will address the student gathering along with Vern Miller, tackle on last season's squad.

Other speakers scheduled to appear at tonight's rally are Coach Harlow, Earl Brown, end coach, Captain Forte, as well as other members of the team.

Led by the band and Charles H. Mortin '43, head cheerleader, the rally will send the team on its way to victory with songs and cheers.
