
Eliot Will Inaugurate Sunday Evening Talks

Whittlesey Will Lecture on Geopolitics' Role in War

First lecturer in a projected series of Sunday evening talks to the members of Eliot House, Derwent S. Whittlesey, associate professor of Geography, will lecture on Geopolitics next Sunday evening at 7:15 in the Eliot Junior Common Room.

The series was announced to the members of the Homes in a letter from John H. Finley, Jr. '25 associate professor of Greek and Latin, and Master of Eliot House, who described the decreased opportunities for get-togethers as the reason for the move which will bring Associates and tutors before House gatherings to talk on their special fields. A question and discussion period at the end of each talk is planned.

First readings of the annual Christmas play were also announced for Tuesday evening, November 17. The name of the play was not disclosed.
