Eliot's three-game winning streak was broken yesterday when the Dunster eleven, scoring twice in the third period beat the Elephants, 14 to 12. The Dudley Ramblers meanwhile played the Adams House team to a scoreless tie, in an even, close-fought contest.
Sparked by speedy back Dick Chenoweth, Eliot took only five minutes to make their first score. The tally was which Chenoweth snared on the line of scrimmage, carrying it twenty yards made on a desperate pass by Dick Brady for a score.
Funsters Roll Up 14 Points
As the second half began Dunster rolled down to within scoring distance of the Eliot goal and Lee Sosman passed it over for the score. About three minutes later the Elephants tried to punt from their two yard line, and the whole Funster line rushed in and blocked the kick for a second tally.
In the last quarter Eliot showed definite superiority over the Funsters, despite its lack of backfield reserves. The last score was made on a pass from Chenoweth to Earl Line in the end zone.
Adams, Dudley Kicking Duel
Never threatening seriously throughout the game, both Adams and Dudley were completely bottled up by each other's defense in yesterday's kicking duel. Neither team showed and edge of superiority.
Most of the commuter plays were directed towards the center of the line, with tailback O'Brien as chief carrier, while Mack at end shone on the defense. For the Gold Coasters, fullback Cully Culliton led the offense with wingback Jake Crane, while Chub Peabody, namesake of last year's Harvard great, starred defensively at wingback.
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