Dick Harlow had two loads taken off his mind yesterday when Len Cummings and George Hibbard reappeared behind the Soldiers Field fences for active practice after missing the Penn game. Even Russ Stannard was healthy looking despite the jaw-crunching he got Saturday.
Team A had its usual Monday-after layoff from scrimmage, merely running through signals and practicing defense against W. and M. plays. Special attention went to perfecting timing in the backfields, with the A, B, and C sets working as units.
When the first team had been excused, along with members of Team B who had seen a lot of action last Saturday, Harlow drove his second and third outfits through a short scrimmage, stressing running plays.
Hard blocking brought Harlow's praise to center Dick Andersen, who moved definitely onto the second team as a result of his work yesterday. Andersen was made third center only last week, and has been coming along fast since then.
Harvey Gets Praise
Baseball captain Bart Harvey's running brought comment from Harlow, too, Carrying the ball for Team B, last summer's star second baseman reeled off several impressive gains to tighten his hold on the Varsity jersey he gained last Friday.
Another back that caught Coach Harlow's eye was Gordy Lyle, was also shone for Team B offensively. Lyle, who won a letter first two years ago as a Sophomore flash, has been out of the picture lately, but his showing yesterday indicated that he may see more action soon. Paul Perkins was the third running back for the second team, and his hard plunging made him a good prospect to back up Wayne Johnson at fullback.
Team A: le, Barnes; lt, Hibbard; lg, Gudaitis; c, Fisher; lg, Smith; rt, Stannard; re, Cummings; qb, Andersen; fb, Johnson; wb, Wilson tb, Richards.
Team B: le, W. Flynn; lt, W. Fisher; lg, Mroz; c, Andersen; rg, McCarthy; rt, Mallet; re, Garland, Dudley; qb, Goethals; fb, Perkins; wb, O'Donnel; tb, Hadley.
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