
Highest Bond Bid Gets Crimson-Tiger Pigskin

Forte Starts at End Post of First Time

For the first time, the football used in a Varsity game will be auctioned off tomorrow to the highest bidder for war bonds. Application blanks will be given out by the ushers and will be collected between the halves, and during the third quarter.

AT the end of the game, the person who has applied for the largest denomination bond is to be given the football. IN addition the applications will be numbered and five will be drawn from a hat. Those holding the selected applications will be awarded two free tickets to the Brown game.

Another first occurred with the announcement that Captain Don Forte will start at right end, in all probability, in his initial appearance this season. Cleo O'Donnell is expected to open at wingback, while Jack Comerford is slated for tailback. The Johnson-Cowen feud for the fullback slot has not been settled, but if Swede Anderson is in shape, he will receive the blocking assignment. Otherwise, Hank Geothals is figured to be the leading choice.

Either George Boston or Bill Barues will open at left end, and the flankmen will have to be good to keep up with Princeton's small but agile anchors. The remainder of the line will stay unchanged. "We have as good a line in there now as we can get," said Dick Harlow yesterday.

Withington to Address Rally


The rally scheduled for tonight is to be at 7:30 in front of the Varsity Club. As announced, Lothrop Withington, onetime Crimson football captain, will be the main speaker. Preceded by a band parade, the rally is planned along the general lines of the one for the Dartmouth game.

The Tigers arrive today, and run through signals in the Stadium at 3:30. The Crimson eleven will be there at about 2:15 o'clock for pictures and a warm-up, last minute drill. Yesterday's practice consisted of the usual doses of passing drill, punting under pressure, and a look at Princeton plays as put on by coach Jack Graf and the Jayvees.

A Team lineup was: left end, Barnes; left tackle, Durwood; left guard, Hibbard; center, Jack Fisher; right guard, Stannard; right tackle, Willo Fisher: right end, Forte; blocking back, Geothals; fullback, Johnson; tall back, Wilson; wingback, O'Donnell.
