

Navy Wants Men for Interpreter Course

A shift of quotas has re-opened enlistments in the ERC to men in all classes, but they will be closed on December 1, the War Service Information Bureau announced last night. Students not 18 by January 1, 1943, may make preliminary applications for the ERC and if accepted can be enlisted as soon after January 1, 1943 as they become 18.

Elliott Perkins, director of the bureau, also said that V-1 and V-7 are still open for enlistments and will be so until further notice.

Navy Interpreter Course

Another important development in the field of war service was revealed when the opening of a new Navy Japanese Language Course was described in a letter from the Navy to Dr. Serge Elisseeff, professor of Far Eastern Languages.

The course is to be open to 500 college men who have had either some training in the Japanese language, or, failing that, a Phi Beta Kappa college standing. The school, whose students will receive Navy pay ranging from $125 to $142, will be established at Boulder, Colorado, on or about January 1, 1943.


Lieutenant Commander Hindmarsh will be in Cambridge from November 13 to 17 to interview all Harvard applicants for the special training course. It is understood that the course will fit students to act a Naval interpreters and its completion will enable them to apply for Naval Reserve commissions.

The following is a full statement on the ERC and V-1 and V-7 from Perkins:

"This office wishes to correct a wide spread and thoroughly unfounded rumor that enlistments in V-1 and V-7 will close on November 1. The Office of Naval Officer Procurement has informed us that applications will be received until further notice. No deadline for the immediate future seems to be contemplated, but it is possible that enlistments may be closed without any advance notice.

"The First Service Command has released the following statement governing enlistments in the Enlisted Reserve Corps: It will probably be required that, in the First Service Command, E.R.C. enlistments in the collages be completed previous to December 1, 1942. War Department orders direct that E.R.C. enlistments in the colleges be closed on an after January 1, 1943."

"Students who have not reached their 18th birthday by January 1, 1943, as soon as they become 18 years of age, provided they have signified their intention in writing before January 1, 1943, that they agree to join the E.R.C. after attaining their 18th birthday.

"Since there are vacancies available in the E.R.C. quotas of all college classes, this office will receive applications for enlistment in the E.R.C. from those who have not become 18 yet and from those who have.
