
Brother You Can Spare A Dime

The Harvard Service Fund is a new experiment in College fund collection. The Student Council has publicized the destination of all undergraduate contributions, and a systematic canvass will henceforth replace the traditional registration shakedown. This challenge to the high pressure collection methods of many charitable organizations promises equally judicious distribution.

Student Council drives have always been an underrated service to students. By performing all distribution personally, the Council has prevented continual drives by individual agencies each intent only upon filling its own quota. This has eliminated an eternal undergraduate nuisance, and guaranteed student support of numerous worth-while causes. Without such a system students would be called on for far more than the modest seven dollars asked by the Fund. They would be tossed from "worthy cause" to "worthy cause," winding up too strapped to support that final "last drive" which really the worthiest of them all.

Such systems are all too prevalent at other colleges. They can be prevented here only if the Service Fund is supported sufficiently to permit it to meet the war-time obligations of any charitable organizations. Its demands are modest. Actually, the Fund is doing every student a favor.
