

To the Editors of the Crimson:

The Liberal Union feels that the election of Joe Casey to the Senate next Tuesday is vital to the good government of American democracy at war. Casey, in his four terms at Congress, has had the vision to see that the United States was heading for war and the courage to urge preparation for it. Lodge's vacillations during the same period have been those of a man consistently playing both ends against the middle with an eye to personal advantage.

In a campaign of such clear-cut issues the Liberal Union believes it the business of the Harvard student to take his place as a responsible citizen and work for Casey's election. Harvard men have carried on political campaigns for candidates for local and national officers before, and to great effect; the Liberal Union once again asks student cooperation--canvassing, speaking, poll-watching--in a campaign well-worth the winning. Louis H. Pollak '44.   President, Harvard Liberal Union.
