
War Stamp, Bond Drive Called Failure by Head

Winthrop Leads in Sales; Eliot Still Lags in Cellar

Tripling sales in a one-week period, Winthrop House put last week's War Stamp Drive over the previous figure. Bond drive officials, however, said that as a whole sales had dropped and that the drive could not be regarded as a success.

Aside from Winthrop's rise from $31.40 to $81.60, there were no outstanding changes in any of the Houses, all of them dropping except Kirkland. Adams was dropped from first to third by these two changes, followed by Leverett, Dunster, Lowell, and Eliot in that order.

One of the most disappointing features of the drive, according to officials, was the extreme low per capita investment among the members of the various Houses. The combined average of the seven Houses was only 14.1 cents per person, with Winthrop again leading the parade with 18.7 cents. Lowest single House was Eliot, whose residents, rang up only 5.3 cents per person on the stamp sales.
