College ARP specialists will be treated to the first demonstration of real incendiary bombs to be given in greater Boston tomorrow evening. It will be given by William Sweetman of Brockton, lone civilian manufacturer of standard incendiaries.
The demonstration is to be supervised by Clarence Walton, ARP course director, and will be part of the regular program of the series. The purpose of the show will be to give the new wardens actual experience with the real bombs, and to teach them the proper and safe ways to handle incendiaries.
Interested Students Welcome
The bombing will take place in front of Widener Steps tomorrow night at 7:30 o'clock. Although it is primarily for wardens, anyone in the University is welcome, especially those engaged in some sort of war work.
In addition to the incendiary demonstration tomorrow night, the course will have its regular meetings in the New Lecture Hall tonight and Thursday night at 7 o'clock.
Tonight's meeting will have three speakers. The first will be Phillip Bornstein, head of the Massachusetts Committee of Public Safety's evacuation plan, who will explain the process of removing people from the various areas of greater Boston which might be bombed.
He will be followed by Professor Walter Boss of M.I.T., who will give an explanatory talk on high explosive bombs, and Albert Hartlein, professor of Engineering, who will describe and compare the various types of bomb shelters.
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