

At the UT

Frustrated Old Howard fans who think they'll save time by substituting "Sweater Girl" for Rose La Rose are going to be sorely disappointed. The only element of "Sweater Girl" that Will Hays could raise even one eyebrow at is the title. Otherwise, Mr. Hays couldn't find enough sex to overcome a mysteriously unmysterious mystery plot, a lot of mugging by June Preisser and Eddie Brucken and a generally corny presentation of a couple of excellent songs.

Murder on the campus, student-professor romance, and other various and sundry Harold Teen stunts occupy most of the time, with all too little film devoted to "I Don't Want To Walk Without You" and "I Said No." Aside from that, you may as well stay at Harvard and wait for the Waves.

According to rumor, "The Magnificent Dope" was originally titled "The Magnificent Jerk." It doesn't make much difference, no matter how thin it's sliced. Henry Fonda has played a country yokel so often that Li'I' Abner is not even a good second. Lynn Bari looks appealing enough to warrant the trouble the orchestra goes to whenever she shows up. Don Ameche gives a performance of a go-getting success salesman that wouldn't even do justice to Alexander Graham Bell. You can make some money taking bets about who's the "Magnificent Dope," Ameche, Fonda, or the innocent customer.


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