
Network to Audition Radcliffe Applicants

Girl Announcers Wanted For Swing Out Program

Radcliffe will again take over the Crimson Network's "Swing Out", program this year, Robert S. Kieve '43, Network president, announced last night, Radcliffe girls will get a half hour at 7:30 o'clock, five nights a week, instead of the 4:30 to 5:30 spot they had last winter and spring.

Auditions for announcers will be held all through the week, beginning today at 2 o'clock in the Network office on 31 Holyoke Street, Others who are interested but do not want to announce should drop in as well, since other jobs are opened.

The Radcliffe sophomores, Miss Marion Montgomery and Miss Jane Hurley, have already tried out and been accepted, but several more are needed. Miss Eileen McGrath '45 is helping to organize the program, which is expected to continue throughout the school year.
