
Cummings, Hibbard To Miss Penn Contest

Garland Will Start At Right End Post

A razor-sharp blow was dealt Crimson football hopes yesterday when the powers that be announced that left tackle George Hibbard and right end Len Cummings will be unable to see action this Saturday against Pennsylvania.

Both players suffered their injuries in last week's North Carolina Pre-Flight game, and neither has recovered as rapidly as was hoped. The net result is that Stan Durwood will take over where Hibbard left off at the tackle post, and Pete Garland will hold down Cumming's position. Bill Fisher, brother of first string center Jack Fisher, will be held in reserve as a replacement for Durwood, and Dana Dudley is scheduled to back up Garland.

Ends Depleted

Once upon a time, way back in the far distant past, Dick Harlow said that if his team had to suffer injuries, he hoped they would be taken by the ends, for that was the only department on the squad which had fairly deep talent.

His hope has been realized now, to the extent that if any other right end is impaired, he will really have his problems. Replacing the ailing Captain Don Forte and Len Cummings is not too tough. If Harlow ever has to find substitutes for Garland or Dudley or both, well . . .


The one bright spot in the picture is that Forte was dressed for yesterday's practice for the first time since he received a leg injury almost three weeks ago. According to the doctors, however, Captain Don will still not be ready for heavy duty for at least another two weeks.

Yesterday's session consisted of a long, light drill against Penn running plays, in addition to kicking under pressure. Don Richards, Wally Flynn and Jack Come-ford looked potent in the latter department
