
Cheek to Cheek

Faculty cooperation has given the House Dance committees a much needed shot in the arm. Accepting the committees' proposal, it has overcome the restrictions of rising labor costs and a limited budget which threatened to confine the undergraduate to only one big fall dance. The main problem was the relatively high cost of preparing the dining halls for the dances; the labor shortage and the increased number of tables and chairs made the cost prohibitive for the University. But the dance committees offer to set up as well as clear out the dining hall furniture has been matched by the University, which has agreed to rearrange the eating hours on the day after and so facilitate the setting-up. Together they form a workable solution to a ticklish and unnecessary problem.

War nerves and acceleration, pressure make school parties vital as the best possible way to blow off the lid. Yet without this Faculty reasonableness, the future dancing of the red-blooded Harvard man would have to be squeezed into the anemic form of Common Room record dances. The last time the University made this gracious gesture, excessive breakage and undergraduates welching on promises forced it to draw back. Another failure and it won't be repeated.
