

To the Editors of the Crimson:

If ever a Harvard football team needed the support of the stands it was last Saturday. If ever the stands needed a set of cheerleaders, it was last Saturday. The four reclining men in white sweaters and flannels were sadly inadequate; their exhortations of "Let's talk it up," and their muffled short cheers were worse than useless.

The Dartmouth fans will tell you that effective cheering requires coordination and leadership. It is supposed to be cheering, not just yelling. At not one game this fall has Harvard cheering consisted of anything more than incoherent screams. Not only does this fail to support the team, but it destroys the last vestiges of enthusiasm in the stands.

Part of the trouble is that the students themselves aren't familiar with the cheers. Short practice sessions before the kickoff are an old remedy for this. But the chief need in our supporting line is for a quartet of interested, able cheerleaders. Richard F. Fllis '45.
