

Appearances tot he contrary notwithstanding, the Supply Corps School is not being transformed into a commando training center. One might think so, however, if he had chanced to observe the past several drill sessions on the soccer field. Platoons of men were sent marching through bushes, up hills, and halfway up fences . . . rugged conditioning, indeed, but actually nothing more nor less than the junior students getting their first crack at being drillmasters.

One outfit took a rather severe beating when they marched straight for a wire fence, and the novice leader couldn't think of a command to give.

Nearer and nearer to the fence, and still no command. But did they waver? Not in the least. "My country, right or wrong," and on they went. Latest reports indicate that the casualties were not too severe.

On another occasion two platoons were marching directly toward each other, when the respective commanders suddenly thought they each had the right of way. Apparently Sunday drivers have found a new outlet for their idio-actions. At any rate, the the scene that followed reminded this observer of when the traffic lights change at Times Square.
