What is probably the most powerful cross country team that the Crimson will have to face all season comes to Cambridge Friday in the person of the Rhode Island harriers. IC4A champions last year, the visitors also copped the NCCA title from Penn State by 30 points.
They will face a Harvard team which is as yet untried in competition by reason of the cancellation of the Northeaster Bill Palson, winner of last year's dual Harvard-Holy Cross meet, Tom Coggeshall, and Hugh Hyde are expected to bear most of the burden for the Crimson, and Jaakko Mikkola has expressed pleasure at their time trials.
Not as strong as Rhode Island, but still to be reckoned with, is the third competitor, Holy Cross. Their top man, miler Francis Kelly, has starred three years for the Crusaders, and two years back he beat Harvard's Captain Lanny Bruwell, to win the dual meet of that season.
Star of the Rhode Island team is Bob Nichols.
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