
Doug Pirnie Leaves College For Officer's Commission

Doug Pirnie '43, Harvard's number one track star and potential football seat back, last night revealed that he would leave College next month in order to obtain a second lieutenant's commission in the infantry for his four summers of CMTC work. The army has notified him that he must report in February if he desires the commission.

Piruie, who lives in Concord and Adams House, will be the first Crimson athlete to join the armed forces since the United States entry into the war. The Junior will take one of the newly-offered war Certificates instead of attempting to obtain his degree.

Despite his holding the University's 220-yard record at 21.3 seconds and having run that distance in 20.7 and the century in 9.7 aided by a wind, Pirnie risked injury by appearing as Dick Harlow's secret running threat on the gridiron this fall. His last minute pass-catching attempt against Cornell was one of the thrill features of the Stadium season.
