Governor Leverett Saltonstall will participate in Phillip Brooks House's Second Conference on Community Service on February 6 and 7, J. Elden Sawhill, Jr. '43, conference chairman, revealed last night.
Seventeen colleges throughout the nation have been invited to the social service meeting, and a majority of them have already accepted. A new tone will pervade the conference in contrast to the conclave which last year organized the Intercollegiate Committee on Community Service. Emphasis will be laid on student defense service in wartime and that is expected to be the subject of Saltonstall's address.
Friday evening will be taken up with registration and a dinner at Brooks House. Overnight the girls will be put up at professors' homes and the boy representatives at College dormitories.
Keynoter to Be Named
Saturday morning an as-yet-unnamed keynoter will address a general meeting and two round tables will follow, one on tutoring and group work and another on speaking and entertainment. After the lunch at which Saltonstall will speak to delegates from a total of nearly 30 colleges, a discussion group on defense service under OCD direction is planned, and a round table will investigate foreign student instruction and summer social service work such as land corps and work camps.
Simultaneously, 15 local colleges will convene separately to discuss the formation of social service groups. A general session for the conclusion of policy, election of officers, and a tea will climax the two-day convention.
Among the colleges sending two representatives to the entire conference are expected, to be Vassar, Smith, Radcliffe, U.C.L.A., Columbia, C.C.N.Y., M.I.T., and Yale.
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