

Outlines War-time Program And Summer Scholarships

Finally releasing a full list of war courses, information regarding scholarships for the summer term, and clarifying the entire 12-month-program situation, the Faculty of Arts and Sciences will distribute its guide to students in the next few days.

Five new wartime courses are slated to be given in the second semester, and five others will be repeated from the first half-year, in order that highly trained men may be prepared for technical fields, the Faculty announced. A total of 26 courses provide special training and orientation.

Scholarships can be transferred to the summer session on the same basis as for the fall and spring terms. A large proportion of the loan funds will also be assigned to students in the summer semester.

Expenses Lowered

Indirectly, a student following the accelerated program may also save on the total expenses of his college career. For those who complete their work in two full terms and three summers, the total tuition charge will be some $200 less. Also, a student will save a half-year of room, board, and other expenses.


Since the University is uncertain as to the number of undergraduates and incoming Freshmen who are to enroll for the summer term, it is unable to announce complete details regarding living arrangements, although rent will probably be in proportion to the charges made during the regular academic year. Dining hall services will also be arranged when enrollment is known.

Japanese Course Scheduled

Of the new courses to be offered in the second semester, two are in History, one in Government, one in Economics and one in Japanese. The latter course, Japanese 6b, is a half-year study of Elementary Japanese.

Development of Modern Armies, His- various skills required,"

He predicted that the government will require certain types of students to remain in academic institutions to become specialists of a type which are as much needed for the war effort as are officers or soldiers.

Warning that unlimited volunteering will lead to the wastage of highly trained manpower, President Conant said, "Clearly men who have completed years of training in certain specialties such as medicine should be prohibited from entering combat service."

Would Limit Volunteering

Such services as the submarine and air forces must be recruited on a volunteer basis, but "the national government may at some later time prohibit students with certain talents from enlisting," President Conant said.

He proposed a new accelerated program for the training of doctors, permitting a student to be admitted to medical school after 12 months of college study.

After admission to medical school he would remain in college to complete his pre-med work, but "he would be an enrolled member of a recognized group of students who were refused admission to the combatant forces because they would eventually be needed elsewhere--in the medical corps of the Army or the Navy."
