
Library Asks Donation Of Demanded Volumes

Constant student demands for certain books in the College Library have resulted in the request, by Frederick C. Kilgore, Library Assistant, for donations of 17 oft-demanded volumes, and three series of books, to the Widener collection.

Kilgore's list includes Montesquieri, "Persian Letters"; Charles B. Brown, "Wieland"; Karl Net, "An Outline of the History of Music"; Albert L Guerard, "Preface to World Literature"; Cecil Noura, "Tradition and Design in the lliad"; Crane Brinton, "Anatomy of Revolution"; Voltaire, "Letters on the English." and A. H. Quinn, "Representative American Plays, Century 3rd Edition, 1925."

Also desired by the Library are W. Ivor Jennings, "Parliament"; Harold J. Laski, "Parliamentary Government in England"; A. W. Peach, editor, "Selections from Thomas Paine"; A. S. Ronur, "Man and Vertebrates"; Vernon Parkington, "Main Currents in American Literature"; Louis Hacker, "Triumph of American Capitalism"; Anne Radcliffe, "Mysteries of Udolphe"; F. M. Stenton, "First Century of English Feudalism"; James F. Cooper, "Home as Found."

Any title that is published in the Loeb Classical Library, Modern Library, or Everyman Library Series will also be welcomed, Kilgore declared.
