"India's War Effort" will be the subject of a lecture to be presented Wednesday night by Sir Girja Shankar Bagpal, K.B.E., C.I.E., who has recently been accredited Minister and Agent General of the Government of India in Washington. The lecture will be at 8 o'clock in the Lecture Room of the Fogg Museum.
Sir Girja, whose appointment as diplomatic representative of India is the first of its kind, and his son, who intends to enter the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, will the guests of the Master of Kirkland House during their two-day visit to Harvard University.
Represents Indian Government
Sir Girja has recently arrived in this country as the representative of the Government of India accredited to the United States. A graduate of Merton College, Oxford, he entered the Indian Civil Service in 1914, was the Under-Secretary to the Government of the United Provinces and Secretary for India at the Imperial Conference in 1921, and at the Conference for Limitation of Armaments in Washington in 1921-22, and has served successfully as Under-Secretary to the Government of India for Education, Health and Lands, as Secretary to the Indian Depurations to South Africa in 1925-26 and to the Round Table Conference on the Indian questions in South Africa in 1926-27.
He was adviser to the Indian Delegations to the 10th and 11th Assemblies of the League of Nations and to the Conference on Dominion Legislation in 1929 and 1930, and was Joint Secretary to the British India Delegation to the Indian Round Table Conference with representatives of the Government of the Union of South Africa in 1932. His mission to Washington has followed his appointment as Secretary to the Government of India in the Department of Education, Health and Lands.
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