Greedy Summers dressed for practice for the first time in over a week yesterday afternoon and participated in the light workout through which Dick Harlow sent his charges after their stiff scrimmage Saturday.
Summers, who will captain the hockey team thin winter, was one of the candidates for the wingback berth until a combination of mishaps put him out of action some time ages. With his returns to duty the wingback squad begins to fill out, in numbers, if not in experience. Ray Guild and IInl Tine are still on the injured list, and neither Summers nor Gerdy Lyle have had much contact work this fall. Steve Gifford and Cico O'Donnell, Sophomore candidates for the position, have seen considerable action, but both are still comparatively inexperienced.
The Varsity got their first look at last year's Penn plays from Honry Lamar's Jayvees, who learned them last week. Since the game is an opener for both teams, scouting has been out of the question, and Harlow has had to rely on knowledge picked up from last year's campaign in punning his strategy.
Team A: le MacKinney, it Miller, lg Peabody, c Ayres, rg Pfistor, rt Gardiner, re Morgan, bb IIeiden (Lyman), tb Lee, wb Lyle, fb McNicol.
Team B: le Barnes, It Hibbard (Shattuck), lg Aldrich, c Page, rg Whitehill, rt Stannard, re Forte, bb Lyman (Gold-thwait), tb Wilson, wb Glifford (Summers), fb Cowon (Johnson).
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