
Yardlings Begin Six-Week Servitude In Search of Football Manager Post

75 Freshmen Expected to Turn Out for Competition

Free trips to the strongholds of four enemy football teams as well as preferred tickets at the Varsity games will be the fruits of hard work for those Yardlings who lead the field of 75 expected to turn out for the football manager's competition starting with a meeting in the Varsity Club at 1:30 o'clock this afternoon.

Candidates in Chains

For three days out of the week and for six weeks the harried "slaves" will carry buckets, do menial jobs, curry favor, and obey the whims of their superiors. When the competition closes November 8, the winner, who will have earned his '45 numerals, will manage the final practices and, along with his assistants, who have survived the contest, take charge of the Yale Freshman game on November 21.

Success in the Freshman competition opens the way for glory in wider fields. Five Sophomores will be chosen as second assistants to the Varsity managers next year, and of these, two will be eliminated during Junior year. The three who survive this sifting process will antomatically take over when they are Seniors.
