
Math A Leads College Courses As Total Enrollment Reaches 512

Upset Over History 1 and Ec A Reflects Movement Toward Military Preparation

With army, navy, and flying courses all demanding a familiarity with elementary science and mathematics, Math A, with an enrollment of 512 men, has become the most popular course in the College, surpassing even the Old Guard trio of History 1, Gov 1, and Ec A, according to statistics released Saturday from University Hall.

As a result of the unusual size of the present Freshman class all three of the standard survey courses have increased their enrollments in spite of the triumph of their common rival. Economics A maintains its lead with only two less enrollees than Math A; Government 1 has jumped from 450 to 470 during the past year; and History 1, despite the loss of Professor Merriman, has attracted 492 students, 30 more than last fall.

German and Spanish Show Gains

The most important development in the language courses is the leap in enrollment for German A and Spanish 1, probably symbolical of the increasing interest in political events below the border and in Europe. French E with 278 students still leads the languages, though it has lost heavily from last year. German A follows with 265, and French C has accumulated 212.

Most popular of the sciences remains Biology D, which has gained one more enrollee over last year's total of 307. Physics C with 238 takes second-place honors, and Chemistry B is third. Chem 2, with over 200 students, Chem A, and Physics B follow in order.


Psych A Enrollment Increases

Psych A, the introductory course in psychology, has taken a big leap from 223 to 261, and English 1, the survey of English literature, has likewise expanded enormously, from 167 to 238. Other introductory courses remain steady. Philosophy A and Sociology Aa have gained only nine and eight students respectively, while Music 1 has lost three, reducing its total to 246.

History 5 Most Popular

In the advance courses, History 5a on the growth of the American nation until 1852 remains the most popular, with 212 enrollees, only seven less than last year. English A-1 on composition and English 7 on American Literature both total slightly over 140, Ec 61a on the Corporation and its limitation has lost 40 students and now totals just 101, and Government 13 on American Constitutional development has aggregated only three more.

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