

Baker of Business School Named Associate Dean

The Corporation announced yesterday the resignation of John W. Lowes, '19, Financial Vice-President of the University since 1934 and on leave of absence since last March. At the same time it revealed the appointment of John C. Baker as Associate Dean of the University, who will take over most of the duties of the Financial Vice-President, the rest being distributed among the various members of the staff.

With the resignation of Mr. Lowes the office of Financial Vice-President has been discontinued. In contrast to the Treasurer, who administers the endowment fund, Mr. Lowes was in charge of the budget of the University, deciding where and how Harvard's millions would be spent each year.

Now in the Navy

He has been serving as Lieutenant on active duty in the Naval Reserve Corps and in submitting his resignation he pointed out that it was impossible to foresee how long he would be in the service and expressed his realization "that improvised and temporary means of filling my position in the University cannot be similarly extended." In making the announcement President Conant expressed deep appreciation of his long service in a critical position in the University Administration.

After graduating from Harvard with the Class of 1919, Mr. Lowes worked for two years in the Bursar's office, then for five years at Radcliffe, first as Business Manager and then as Treasurer. He came back to Harvard in 1929 as Deputy Treasurer of the College for another five years and as Financial Assistant to the President for a year before succeeding to the position of Financial Vice-President.


Mr. Baker, his successor, got his degree from Juniata College in 1917, and then came to the Business School, where he received his M.B.A. in 1923. Since 1926 he has been on the staff of the Business School first as Instructor in Foreign relationships, and Foreign Trade. He was appointed Assistant Dean in 1928 to serve until 1936, when he became Associate Director of Business Research. He assumed the post of Professor of Business Administration in February 1940.

When Dean Hanford was absent during the first half of last year Dean Chase took over his post as Dean of the College and Mr. Baker temporarily succeeded Dean Chase as Dean of the University.
