
Chub Peabody Set For Action Again; Wingback Situation Worries Harlow

'45 Gets First Scrimmage of Year Under Chief Boston

Chub Peabody, feared lost to Dick Harlow for a lengthy period time, showed up in uniform ready for action yesterday, and, according to the doctors, is all set to go any time Harlow wants to use him. At the same time the news that center Burgy Ayres will see action in the Penn game and the return of Ted Lyman to fitness for blocking duties caused a spirit of optimism to permeate the close humidity of Soldiers Field yesterday.

Peabody suffered a body injury during Monday's scrimmage and at that time it was thought that the veteran guard would be unfit for action for some time. However, his quick return keeps Harvard's line intact as a seasoned powerhouse.

Wingbacks Chief Problem

At the present time Harlow's main worry centers in the wingback department. Greely Summers, although not out for the season, is lost for the time being, and Gordy Lyle, plagued by a bad knee, has not seen action since the team's first scrimmage. Ray Guild, another Junior hopeful for one of the wingback slots, started on team A yesterday after an enforced absence, but limped off the field with a log injury of undetermined seriousness before the close of practice.

This deficiency has set Harlow and his aides to pondering about the use of a "veteran" backfield, at least for the early games. In this set-up Lyman would cover the blocking assignments with George Heiden in the fullback rolo he tried Sophomore year, Junior Don McNicol, at the tailback and Captain Frannie Lee on the wing.


Scrimmage Pleases Harlow

Team A scrimmaged B, and the A's put on an exhibition of hard running and good blocking which pleased Harlow considerably. Dick Poster and Heiden cleared out the opposition consistently and Lee and McNicol sparked the backfield's performance.

Swede Anderson nosed out Johnny Page for the pivot position on team A, though both are rated about evenly for the position pending the return of Ayres to steady service. George Hibbert, Sophomore tackle, returned to action after a layoff of several days and performed creditably.

Chief Boston sent his Freshman charges through their first scrimmage of the year, which clearly showed the difficulties faced by a coach in producing a workman-like eleven out of 130-odd totally unknown candidates inside of a week.
