Minor changes have been made during the summer months in the operation of Weidner Library which are intended to give greater convenience to both borrowers and staff, and which include a new return desk, a new entrance, and abandonment of the system of requiring all students to have a borrower's number.
Instead of obtaining borrowers' cards and a library number, as has been necessary in previous years, students wishing books now need simply present themselves at the call desk and indicate their University status. Bursar's cards may be required in questionable instances, and persons not members of the University may obtain cards for the use of the Library.
The new return desk is located in the south entry, which has been reopened this year, and is designed to relieve traffic at the call desk, and also to save the weary climb from Yard to second floor. The side entrance which was open last year has been closed.
A third inovation in long established Weidner procedure has to do with cards sent out to people who have requested books on the waiting list, telling them their books are in. The library staff sent out 18,000 of them last year, and in most every case had a hectic time making out the names and addresses to which the cards were to be sent.
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