
'45 Football Practice Draws 119 Candidates

One of the largest teams in Freshman football history, 119 strong, answered the call to Coach Chief Boston's initial practice session yesterday afternoon, making the up-to-now sparsely populated practice gridirons look like Churchill Downs on Derby Day.

There were tall ones and short ones in the crowd and weights ranged all the way from a hefty 235 pounds down to a bare 125. The two-and-a-half man coaching staff consisting of Chief Boston and Nick Mellen (Al Kevorkian, another assistant, is wavering on the military brink) at times was almost lost in the crowd and naturally it was impossible to make any accurate evaluation of the squad's actual potentialities.

Weeding Out Starts

If strength lies in numbers, however, the Chief would seem to have a certain winner on his hands. Weeding out exercises will naturally start immediately and with the coaching staff undermanned as it is the process promises to be mainly one of natural selection--the survival of the most persistent.

Of the 119 aspirants almost thirty are out for one of the two end positions. Of these, Pete Garland, last year's Noble and Greenough captain, who stands six feet four and weighs 210 pounds, seems to have as much of an inside track for the job as is possible at this early date.


Two other potential stars are the Fisher brothers, Bill and Jack. Jack was an outstanding center and captain of the Andover football team, while Bill plays well at either tackle or guard. The arrival of these two brothers reunites the famous Fisher clan, which already has seen two of its members play football for the University and its oldest member act as Head Coach of the Varsity team
