Thirty-nine appointments to the Harvard staff, effective September 1, 1941, were announced during the summer, as follows:
John M. Flumerfelt, Philadelphia, Pa., Psychiatrist, Department of Hygiene.
William J. Burney, Associate Professor of Accounting, University of Iowa, Visiting Lecturer on Accounting.
George O. May, New York, N.Y., Lecturer on Accounting.
Stephen H. Spurr, Alstead, N.H., Instructor in Forestry.
Margaret E. Gilman, Boston, Mass., Fellow for Research in Painting and Secretary of the William Hayes Fogg Art Museum.
Gabriel Farrell, Watertown, Mass., Lecturer on the Education of the Blind.
Richard E. Schultes, Roslindale, Mass., Research Associate Botanical Museum.
Alice Brues, Newtonville, Mass., Research Associate in Physical Anthropology.
John M. Longyear III, Marquette, Mich., Research Associate in Middle American Archaeology.
Alois R. Nykl, Cambridge, Mass., Visiting Lecturer on Portuguese.
Charles E. Rickart, Ann Arbor, Mich., Benjamin Peirce Instructor in Mathematics and Tutor.
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