

School of Education to Widen Opportunities for Study

The Graduate School of Education will inaugurate this fall a new degree program of studies in Elementary School Administration, Dean Francis T. Spaulding announced recently.

The new program will be under the supervision of William H. Burton, Director of Apprenticeship and Lecturer on the Principles of Teaching.

Harvard has offered separate courses in the field of Elementary Education for many years, but this is the first organized degree program in this field to be offered by the School, Dean Spaulding said. The new program will be coordinated closely with the other programs of the School counting toward the degrees of Master of Education and Doctor of Education, and will be of equal intensity.

The program is designed to prepare for positions of elementary school principal, elementary school supervisor, and director of instruction. It will be open to graduates of teachers' colleges or to others possessing an equivalent training in elementary education.

Courses in the program will be scheduled at hours available to school officers in service, it was announced. The specialized work will include courses in elementary school curriculum and methods, supervision of instruction and educational psychology, and also actual apprenticeship in administrative or supervisory work.
